our beloved
songwriting camps

A long, long time ago in Almenland …

It so happened that the musician Bernhard packed his seven things (including speakers, computer, microphone and lots of cables) & set off to follow a dream.

He wanted to find magic & valuable treasures in various places. He succeeded! The magic were special writers & artists, the treasures were songs written together that you can’t put a price on gold. When Bernhard returned, he realised that there was a very special magic to be found right here – in the nature and tranquillity of his homeland. So he decided to bring all the magical creatures he had discovered along the way to Almenland.

Bernhard’s dream came true: the first Almenland Songwriting Camp!

The years have passed, the camps have grown & sometimes they go travelling. Seems like there are still a lot of songs out there waiting to tell this fairy tale to the end.

almenland songwriting camps



we love melodies – that’s what we do honey

Special songs are created when very special people find each other